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2021 Frank Family Vineyards Zinfandel

2015 The Prisoner Wine Company Saldo Zinfandel

2012 Carlisle Hayne Vineyard Zinfandel

RP  94   
ST  93   

1996 Elyse Coeur du Val Zinfandel

Lightly depressed cork

2015 Rombauer Zinfandel

2018 Raymond Small Lot Collection Zinfandel

Light capsule condition issue; lightly depressed cork; signs of past seepage

1998 Miner Zinfandel


Lightly elevated cork

2000 Saddleback Cellars Nils Venge Old Vines Zinfandel

Base neck fill

1998 Galleron Aves Vineyard Zinfandel

2017 Clif Family Winery Le Colline Zinfandel

2014 Fontanella Family Winery Zinfandel

Light label condition issue

1994 Newland Vineyards Zinfandel

2002 D-Cubed Cellars Zinfandel