1992 Beringer Nightingale Private Reserve
Light capsule condition issue; base neck fill; label condition issue
Base neck fill; light label condition issue
N.V. Pride Mountain Sonoma County Mistelle de Viognier
Light label condition issue
1994 Taylor-Fladgate
1970 Fonseca
Light capsule condition issue; top shoulder fill; label condition issue
Light capsule condition issue; very top shoulder fill; light label condition issue
1994 Fonseca
Light capsule condition issue; light label condition issue
Lightly elevated cork; light label condition issue
Lightly elevated cork
6-bottle Lot, 375ml
12-bottle Lot, 375ml
1991 Fonseca Guimaraens
1983 Graham's
Very top shoulder fill; light label condition issue
Light signs of past seepage; top shoulder fill; light label condition issue
2004 Romano Dal Forno Vigna Sere
1994 Dow's
Signs of past seepage; base neck fill; light label condition issue
1997 Dow's
Label condition issue
2009 H. Donnhoff Niederhauser Hermannshohle Riesling Auslese #21
2010 H. Donnhoff Niederhauser Hermannshohle Riesling Auslese Goldkapsel #17
2012 H. Donnhoff Niederhauser Hermannshohle Riesling Auslese Goldkapsel #18
2010 H. Donnhoff Oberhauser Brucke Riesling Auslese Goldkapsel #16
2011 H. Donnhoff Oberhauser Brucke Riesling Auslese Goldkapsel #18
2009 H. Donnhoff Oberhauser Brucke Riesling Auslese Goldkapsel #20