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2009 H. Donnhoff Schlossbockelheimer Felsenberg Riesling Grosses Gewachs #28

2011 H. Donnhoff Schlossbockelheimer Felsenberg Riesling Grosses Gewachs #29

2011 H. Donnhoff Schlossbockelheimer Felsenberg Riesling Spatlese #12

WA  94   

2012 H. Donnhoff Schlossbockelheimer Felsenberg Riesling Spatlese #14

JR  16   

2009 H. Donnhoff Schlossbockelheimer Felsenberg Riesling Spatlese #18

WA  94   
WS  92   

1908 D'Oliveiras Boal Madeira

Light capsule condition issue; Bottled in 2017

1905 D'Oliveiras Verdelho Madeira

Light capsule condition issue; Bottled in 2017

WS  98   
VN  98   

2005 Château Suduiraut


WS  93   
ST  92   
JR  18   

2009 Château Suduiraut

WA  98   
VN  98   
WS  96   
JS  96   
JR  18.5   

N.V. Philipponnat Brut Royale Reserve Rose

Light label condition issue; disgorged 09/2016

WS  92   
WA  91   

2005 Philipponnat Clos des Goisses

Disgorged 3/2014

WS  92   

2005 Philipponnat Clos des Goisses

Light label condition issue; disgorged 3/2014

WS  92   

1960 Sandeman

Capsule condition issue; light signs of past seepage; mid shoulder fill; label condition issue

MB  ***   

N.V. Sandeman Imperial Corregidor Special Oloroso Sherry

Heavy capsule condition issue; base neck fill; label condition issue

N.V. Sandeman Imperial Corregidor Special Oloroso Sherry

Heavy capsule condition issue; very top shoulder fill; label condition issue

N.V. Sandeman Imperial Corregidor Special Oloroso Sherry

Capsule condition issue; very top shoulder fill; label condition issue

2006 Mollydooker Carnival of Love Shiraz (Screwcap)

WA  97   
WS  95   
CT  92.8   
WS  #9 of 2007   

2010 Mollydooker Carnival of Love Shiraz (Screwcap)

Light label condition issue

WA  95   
WS  94   
WS  #98 of 2012   

2014 Mollydooker Carnival of Love Shiraz (Screwcap)

WS  95   
WS  #30 of 2016   

1990 Château Lafaurie-Peyraguey

Light label condition issue

ST  93   
RP  92   

1990 Château Lafaurie-Peyraguey

ST  93   
RP  92   

2005 Château Lafaurie-Peyraguey

Light label condition issue

JS  95   
WS  92   
WA  91   

N.V. Schramsberg Mirabelle North Coast Brut

Light label condition issue

WA  90   
WS  90   

N.V. Schramsberg Mirabelle North Coast Brut

WA  90   
WS  90   

1996 Château Climens

Light capsule condition issue; base neck fill; light label condition issue

ST  92   
WS  90   
RP  88-90