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2015 Dolce Napa Valley Late Harvest Wine


2016 Dolce Napa Valley Late Harvest Wine


9 available

2003 Château La Tour-Blanche


Light capsule condition issue; signs of past seepage; light label condition issue

WS  97   
RP  96   
ST  93   
JR  18   

2009 Château La Tour-Blanche

WA  93   
WS  92   
4 available
Bid *

2009 Château La Tour-Blanche

WA  93   
WS  92   

N.V. G.H. Mumm Brut Grand Cordon Rose

1989 Château Rayne-Vigneau

Light label condition issue

2 available

1989 Château Rayne-Vigneau

Light capsule condition issue; depressed cork; light signs of past seepage; label condition issue

1990 Dr. Pauly-Bergweiler Bernkasteler Badstube Riesling Auslese #28

Light capsule condition issue; lightly depressed cork; 3 cm ullage; light label condition issue

2004 Dr. Pauly-Bergweiler Bernkasteler Badstube Riesling Eiswein #48


Light capsule condition issue; light label condition issue

WE  96   
WS  91   
2 available
Bid *