1989 Château d'Yquem
1993 Château d'Yquem
Light capsule condition issue; base neck fill; label condition issue
1995 Château d'Yquem
2001 Château d'Yquem
2009 Château d'Yquem
2015 Château d'Yquem
N.V. Pride Mountain Sonoma County Mistelle de Viognier
Light label condition issue
1970 Fonseca
Light capsule condition issue; top shoulder fill; label condition issue
Light capsule condition issue; very top shoulder fill; light label condition issue
1994 Fonseca
Light capsule condition issue; light label condition issue
Lightly elevated cork; light label condition issue
Lightly elevated cork
6-bottle Lot, 375ml
12-bottle Lot, 375ml
1991 Fonseca Guimaraens
Label condition issue
1983 Graham's
Very top shoulder fill; light label condition issue
Light signs of past seepage; top shoulder fill; light label condition issue
2006 Château Rieussec
Capsule condition issue; base neck fill; light label condition issue
N.V. Perrier-Jouet Grand Brut (Label #3)
1994 Dow's
Signs of past seepage; base neck fill; light label condition issue
1997 Dow's