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Yamhill-Carlton AVA is located in Yamhill and Washington Counties, and it is entirely contained within the Willamette Valley AVA, Oregon’s most prestigious wine producing region. It has 1,200 vineyard acres and was awarded AVA status in 2004. The region grows Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, Dolcetto, Muscat, Pinot Blanc and Pinot Gris. Ken Wright Cellars, Elk Cove Vineyards and WillaKenzie Estate are among the district’s best-known producers. All focus on Pinot Noir.

2021 Ken Wright Yamhill-Carlton District Pinot Noir

2014 Soter Mineral Springs Ranch Brut Rose

VN  94   
WE  93   
5 available
Bid *

2011 Soter Mineral Springs Ranch Pinot Noir

VN  92   
3 available
Bid *

2009 Soter Mineral Springs White Label Pinot Noir

WA  91   
JR  16.5   

2022 Shea Wine Cellars Shea Vineyard Revel Pinot Noir

2014 St. Innocent Shea Vineyard Pinot Noir

WE  94   
VN  93   
JS  93   
WA  92   
WS  92   

2015 St. Innocent Shea Vineyard Pinot Noir

VN  94   
WE  94   
WS  91   
BH  91   

2019 Elk Cove Vineyards Goodrich Chardonnay

WA  94   
JR  16   
4 available
Bid *

2018 Elk Cove Vineyards Pinot Noir Brut Rose La Bohème

Light label condition issue

2015 Gran Moraine Chardonnay

Light label condition issue

JS  91   
WS  90   
VN  90   
JR  16   
3 available
Bid *

2016 Gran Moraine Chardonnay

Light label condition issue

JS  93   
WA  92+    
VN  92   
JR  17   
4 available
Bid *

2016 Gran Moraine Chardonnay

JS  93   
WA  92+    
VN  92   
JR  17   

2017 Resonance Vineyard Resonance Vineyard Pinot Noir

VN  93   
WA  92   
WS  92   
WE  92   
4 available
Bid *

2017 Resonance Vineyard Resonance Vineyard Pinot Noir

Light label condition issue

VN  93   
WA  92   
WS  92   
WE  92   

2019 The Four Graces Highground Doe Ridge Estate Vineyard Pinot Noir

Light label condition issue

JS  92   

2018 The Four Graces Lindsay's Reserve Pinot Noir

5 available

2020 Suzor Wines Tales of the Sun Pinot Noir

2019 Pike Road Fairsing Vineyard Pinot Noir (Screwcap)

VN  92   
WE  92   
BH  91   
JS  90   
4 available
Bid *

2021 MonksGate Classic Pinot Noir

2016 St. Reginald Parish Late Bloomer Pinot Noir

Light label condition issue