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2008 Caisse Collection Duclot

9-bottle Horizontal, Wood Case

See item details for bottle notes

1953 Château d'Yquem

Capsule condition issue; lightly elevated cork; light signs of past seepage; very top shoulder fill; label condition issue

MB  ****   

1955 Château d'Yquem

Heavy capsule condition issue; signs of past seepage; base neck fill; heavy label condition issue

1966 Château d'Yquem

Capsule condition issue; lightly elevated cork; signs of past seepage; top shoulder fill; label condition issue; writing on label

MB  ****   

1966 Château d'Yquem

Light capsule condition issue; signs of past seepage; top shoulder fill; light label condition issue

MB  ****   

1967 Château d'Yquem

Capsule condition issue; elevated cork; signs of past seepage; top shoulder fill; light label condition issue

WS  100   
MB  *****   
RP  96   
WA  93   
JR  18.5   

1968 Château d'Yquem

Light capsule condition issue; signs of past seepage; top shoulder fill; light label condition issue

1971 Château d'Yquem

Light capsule condition issue; light signs of past seepage; very top shoulder fill; light label condition issue

WA  97   
WS  93   
JR  16   
MB  ****   

1975 Château d'Yquem

Capsule condition issue; lightly elevated cork; heavy signs of past seepage; top shoulder fill; light label condition issue

MB  *****   
RP  99   
WS  95   

1976 Château d'Yquem

Capsule condition issue; lightly elevated cork; very top shoulder fill; label condition issue

RP  96   
WS  96   
JR  18.5   

1980 Château d'Yquem

Light capsule condition issue; lightly depressed cork; signs of past seepage; base neck fill; light label condition issue

RP  93   

1983 Château d'Yquem

Light capsule condition issue; signs of past seepage; base neck fill; light label condition issue

RP  96   
WS  92   
JR  18.5   

1983 Château d'Yquem

Light capsule condition issue; very top shoulder fill; light label condition issue

RP  96   
WS  92   
JR  18.5   

1983 Château d'Yquem

Lightly depressed cork; very top shoulder fill

RP  96   
WS  92   
JR  18.5   

1983 Château d'Yquem

Lightly depressed cork; base neck fill

RP  96   
WS  92   
JR  18.5   

1966 Taylor-Fladgate

Light capsule condition issue; signs of past seepage; top shoulder fill; light label condition issue

MB  ***/*   

1977 Taylor-Fladgate

Light capsule condition issue; light signs of past seepage; very top shoulder fill; label condition issue

WS  98   
RP  96   
JR  18.5+    
MB  ****   

1985 Taylor-Fladgate

Lightly elevated cork; light label condition issue

WA  95   
WS  90   
JR  16   
MB  ***/**   

1992 Taylor-Fladgate

Light label condition issue

RP  100   
WS  95   
MB  **/*   
WS  #18 of 1995   

1997 Taylor-Fladgate

Light capsule condition issue; light label condition issue

WA  97   
RP  96   
ST  95   
WS  94   
JR  18   

N.V. Taylor-Fladgate 325th Anniversary Limited Edition Reserve Tawny

1963 Taylor-Fladgate Army & Navy Stores Limited Bottling

Light capsule condition issue; lightly elevated cork; signs of past seepage; base neck fill; light label condition issue

N.V. Taylor-Fladgate Kingsman Edition Very Old Tawny

1966 Fonseca

Capsule condition issue; light signs of past seepage; top shoulder fill; light label condition issue

WS  97   

1985 Fonseca

Light capsule condition issue; light label condition issue

WS  95   
WA  93   
JR  18.5   
MB  ****/*   
DE  ***