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1992 Moet et Chandon Dom Perignon

Light capsule condition issue; light label condition issue

ST  91   

1992 Moet et Chandon Dom Perignon

Light capsule condition issue

ST  91   

1998 Moet et Chandon Dom Perignon

WE  95   
BH  94   
VN  93   
WA  92   
CT  92.5   
WS  91   

2000 Moet et Chandon Dom Perignon Andy Warhol Label (Pink Label)

2000 Moet et Chandon Dom Perignon Andy Warhol Label (Red Label)

Light label condition issue

2000 Moet et Chandon Dom Perignon Andy Warhol Label (Red Label)

2000 Moet et Chandon Dom Perignon Andy Warhol Label (Yellow Label)

2002 Moet et Chandon Dom Perignon Andy Warhol Label (Yellow Label)

2002 Moet et Chandon Dom Perignon Andy Warhol Label With Original Boxes

3-bottle Horizontal, Cardboard Case

2002 Moet et Chandon Dom Perignon Andy Warhol Label With Original Boxes

3-bottle Horizontal, Cardboard Case

2002 Moet et Chandon Dom Perignon Andy Warhol Label With Original Boxes

3-bottle Horizontal, Cardboard Case

1996 Moet et Chandon Dom Perignon Oenotheque

1-bottle Lot, Cardboard Case

Light capsule condition issue

WA  97   

1993 Moet et Chandon Dom Perignon P2

1993 Moet et Chandon Dom Perignon P2

1-bottle Lot, Plastic Case

2000 Moet et Chandon Dom Perignon P2

1-bottle Lot, Wood Case

Capsule condition issue; Exposed Capsule

WS  97   
JS  97   
VN  96   
WA  94   
BH  93   
JR  18.5   

1993 Moet et Chandon Dom Perignon Rose

Light label condition issue

ST  93+    

1996 Moet et Chandon Dom Perignon Rose

Light capsule condition issue

WA  96   
ST  95   
JR  17.5   

1996 Moet et Chandon Dom Perignon Rose

Light capsule condition issue; light label condition issue

WA  96   
ST  95   
JR  17.5   

2008 Moet et Chandon Dom Perignon Rose

Light capsule condition issue

WA  97   
WS  97   
JR  17   

1963 Fonseca

Light capsule condition issue; very top shoulder fill; light label condition issue

MB  *****   
WS  98   
WA  96   

2003 Fonseca

12-bottle Lot, Wood Case, 375ml

See item details for bottle notes; Light case condition issue

ST  97   
WA  96   
WS  96   
CT  93.8   
JR  18.5   

1985 Bollinger R.D.

WS  93   
ST  93   

1960 Quinta do Noval Nacional

Capsule condition issue; light signs of past seepage; top shoulder fill; label condition issue

MB  ***   

1967 Quinta do Noval Nacional

Capsule condition issue; signs of past seepage; top shoulder fill; label condition issue

WS  95   
ST  93   
JR  17.5   

2012 Egly-Ouriet Brut Grand Cru Millésimé

Label condition issue; disgorged 11/2021

WA  99