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N.V. Fonseca Bin 27

1997 Dow's


Light signs of past seepage; light label condition issue

WS  95   
WE  94   
ST  92+    
RP  90   
JR  17   

1997 Dow's


Light label condition issue

WS  95   
WE  94   
ST  92+    
RP  90   
JR  17   

1995 Dow's Quinta do Bomfim


Light label condition issue

WS  90   
ST  90   

N.V. Warre's Otima 10 year old Tawny Port


Top shoulder fill; bottled in 2003

WS  91   
JR  16.5   

N.V. Warre's Warrior Special Port

1998 Cockburn Quinta dos Canais

Very top shoulder fill

N.V. Nicolas Feuillatte Brut Réserve Exclusive

2001 Domaine des Baumard Quarts de Chaume


Light capsule condition issue; signs of past seepage; light label condition issue

WS  93   

2003 Forstmeister Geltz-Zilliken Saarburger Rausch Riesling Spatlese #8

Lightly depressed cork

2003 Forstmeister Geltz-Zilliken Saarburger Rausch Riesling Spatlese #8

Lightly depressed cork; light label condition issue

2009 Château Rayne-Vigneau


Light label condition issue

WA  93+    
WS  93   

2009 Château Rayne-Vigneau


WA  93+    
WS  93   

N.V. R.L. Buller & Son Fine Muscat (Solera)


Base neck fill; light label condition issue

RP  96